Thursday, May 31, 2007


Lately, I've been bothered by the word ----


Such a nice word to say, no? So flowing, so... stylish.

Anyway, I've been writing this so-called 'Style Diary', but all I ever talk about is fashion. Are style and fashion synonymous to each other? I refuse to believe this. I love style, I refuse to be limited to writing about 'fashion'.

Fashion for me, more specifically refers to the clothes, desginer labels, etc. It's also more of a professsion, like when people ask, "What do you do?" - "Oh, I'm in the fashion world." People never say, "Oh, I'm in the style world." It just doesn't sound the same. Although, it does sound more profound.

Sidenote: I looked up the definition of 'style' online to further enlighten me and was struck by one definition in particular:

[dash: distinctive and stylish elegance; "he wooed her with the confident dash of a cavalry officer"]

Well, well well. So Dash hits the style spot.

Anyway, so many other definitions came up: A particular kind of appearance, manner, vogue, fashion, none of which was new to me. I guess what I wanted to find was something more inspiring, such as, 'style is a way of life' or 'style is a way of thinking'. For me, style can be seen in anyone who chooses to have and use it. Some study it, some express it. As for me, well, I choose to live it.

Another thing that I realized is that it's a decision to have style. I don't believe anymore in the term 'effortless style' because, well, style IS an effort. Some can just exhibit it more naturally and gracefully than others. Even Kate Moss' dubbed 'effortless' style probably required several decades of planning just so she could look like she just 'put on the first thing she saw in the closet'.

My point being that I don't want to just write about fashion anymore. From now on, I will be writing about anything I perceive to be stylish. A house, a dog, a painting, a manang on the street. Of course, fashion will still be the main thing, but it won't be the only thing. I will write about anything that inspires me, and you will like it.

Or maybe you won't. But what the hell, style may be a lot of things, but it certainly isn't absolute. =)



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