Thursday, May 31, 2007

THE Flip-flop vs. THE Tsinelas

In Coron, Palawan while on board a bangka.

I found this so funny and just had to take a picture. It says so much about culture, mentality and commodity. Imagine my boyfriend's Havaianas in combat with our bangkero's tsinelas (Beach Walk? Spartan?).
Who do you think will win?
The Havaianas
- well-known brand all over the world
- supposedly made of some special rubber
- cute/can be personalized (can be adorned with rhinestones, etc.)
- durable
- expensive (hello, I'm not paying more than P100 for a pair of rubber slippers, unless someone buys it for me)
- the whole world is wearing them (or is this a strength?)
The Tsinelas
- tried and tested by Filipinos for years
- cheap (P50? now that's more like it)
- locally made (support the local industry!)
- can be worn for any occasion (can you imagine leaving your Havaianas for bathroom use? didn't think so)
- can look jologs and pudpod and still function
- probably not as durable is it is not made of some special rubber
I don't know about you, but my bet is on the original. Nothing beats the tsinelas.


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